Hello, Everybody and Cat lovers and Pet Owners. 

This blog is going to be about making things that your cat or other animals can go outside. The benefits of letting your animals outside is huge. I think that everyone had found with covid that staying inside all the time for a human really gets to us. Just think of a cat or bird or any animal to have to live inside their whole life. Cats can live 20 years. That is unheard of for people to live inside with just a few windows for that long. I can not stay inside for a whole day. I will just go to the store or walk Target just to get out. I have started getting into Catios and cat or pet enclosures a lot. The thing is that at 52 years old and basically working in the building trade since around 12 (Not that I wanted to around 12) I have done a lot. So many different things most people would think I was making crap up. Well ok, I do make it all up, but it is a good story. Just kidding. I have the skills to build things and I have a shop to build anything I want. I don't have a fancy shop. I don't have 2000.00 dollar tools. and I am not working out of a Garage. My family had a farm and a truss business in the past and I have converted over a small area in one building for my shop. 

I have made a few catios or pet enclosures and I like making them. I will tell you. If you ever have the idea that you want to make a million dollars. Pet enclosures are not the avenue to make it. If you have a side business of like robbing banks that would help a lot to your goal. 

Right now I have a Handyman business. 380handyman.com is located in the Denton Tx area. Or in the DFW, Dallas, and Fort Worth area. I like helping people with their home problems. If I had it my way I would do everything for free just because I like doing things. For me to sit at a desk or have to call on people is just a big NO WAY. My family has had a lot of business and I was always in charge kind of marketing. I have tried other jobs. Not very long. The one thing I am good at and like is the Internet. I like how SEO works and how to get traffic. I would do more of that for people but people can not see your work, they want traffic fast, and they want it free. But that is another issue. If you ever want advice on SEO traffic tell me I will help you, or my other services of "Learn brain surgery on weekends" and "How to Zombie proof your home" This is how I make the big bucks. 

My catios in DFW or Dallas or Fort Worth area is www.catiosoftexas.com The site is still being worked on. Yeah worked on my me or it would be finished. lolol But let your pets out with Pet Enclosures. It is our job to try and make their lives better. They are living creatures that we use to be happy. 




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