Getting A Manx As Part of Your Family
Are you considering a Manx as a pet? Perhaps you’ve already made a Manx a part of your family! Manx are definitely unique in that they genetically tend to have tail-lessness or short tails. Other than that, you would probably recognize them for having robust, muscular bodies and a short, dense coat. Manx have great personalities for families - they are gentle, playful, and intelligent. They are ones to bond deeply with their humans. As for care, they don't have to be groomed super often due to their shorter fur. That leaves more time to play! And play they will. If you haven’t considered where your cat will play, or you feel like you need a more dedicated space because of problematic behaviors, a catio provides room for jumping, climbing, and moving about without risks to any of your indoor shelves’ decorations. A cat will find a way to have a high vantage point to watch activities from, as it is in their instinctive behaviors, and this may be troublesome to your family heirloo...